Why This Exists

If you've ever come across a message in a bottle you cannot help your curiosity.

You open the bottle up and read the message inside.

I want to spark this level of curiosity within you and those around you.

I want you to become part of the Curious Poor.

Writing and glassware are the bottles, and the messages within them are Bitcoin and further curiosity.

Writing is a passion of mine and a way for me to get these ideas out clearly, but it takes the consumer time to read. Physical products are a way to quickly spark curiosity. You see something interesting on a shirt or glass, you might ask a question.

I enjoy having a curious conversation over a beer in a special glass, so chose glassware as the starting point for the physical product. I believe your glass is an artful conversation piece and the beer within it keeps conversation flowing.

I believe Bitcoin can improve the world, so I want to do my part to help spread the message. The quicker Bitcoin is adopted by the masses, the better off our world will be.

This is a curious, creative, & peculiar emporium for whatever has led you here.


Are you curious to?