Sipping☕️ & Thinking💬: Week 4🐇🕳️

Sipping☕️ & Thinking💬: Week 4🐇🕳️

This Week’s Curiosity

Breakdown break down. Trying to stay creative writing a little peculiar intro. Sharpen the pencil while sharpening the mind. Writing about what I consume because that makes me, me.

I wonder what' I’d be like if I lived in the woods by myself with only my thoughts. If none of the stuff I write about below was there to influence my mind. I think I would think more clearly. I think what I deem “important” would be much different.

💪🏻 Enjoy All Your Years

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Exercises like this are important to keep focused. This life we live is long, we must lower our time preference. Learn to enjoy healthy habits and start this early. Put good food into your body, drink water, exercise, have insightful conversations, get outside, laugh with friends. Do things that make your mind and body feel good.

My ideal life at 80 (49 years from now)

  • I’m with my wife, my brother and sister, kids, grandkids, and close friends from high school. I am still able to prepare meals and host large groups.
  • I’m at the lake house in Canada for summer vacation or wherever I’ve decided to call home over the next 50 years.
  • We’re hanging out outside. Eating great food, sipping drinks, having meaningful conversation, still experimenting with new things.
  • I feel fulfilled. I also feel mobile, not like my life is withering away.

To achieve this I must stay disciplined over the next 50 years. I will train my mind and body with the intention of 80 being another year where I make improvements. I will continue to be loyal, caring, and polite. I will use my experience to my advantage. Wisdom will not be wasted on me.

Be curious about 80.

💰I Get To

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An awesome framing. Every second is an opportunity. You get to do anything you choose.

This is our life to live.

I often lose sight of that. I will use this framing to do better. I believe much positivity will come from this.

💭 A Thought of Mine

🧠My Thought: “Time's relationship to experience is a confounding thing”

I can look back on miserable moments in time and have a positive perception of the memory I have of that moment. Yet, there aren't any positive moments that I now have a miserable perception.

I believe this is because our present self realizes all that we’ve learned from these past experiences. As we remember these moments we are aware that we would be a different person had these memories never been made.

Of The Week…

What I’m Sipping While I’m Writing

Wissahickon Brewing: Ravenhill - American Porter

Tasting notes: charred hearty bread, chocolate cold brew, neighborhood fire-pit hangout

Rating: 5.6




Logical money MUST be tied to energy because we use money to trade spent energy for other spent energy. Right now our time and energy can be devalued by the words of a group of old men. It is not questioned because people feel “that’s how its always been”, but when you sit back and really think about it, you can see the absurdity.


To Pimp a Butterfly: Kendrick Lamar

Production is perfect.


"Over the long term, the future is decided by optimists"

-Kevin Kelly

When you catch yourself being a doomer, remember this quote. Those who are optimistic are building a future, while the doomers just speculating about future doom.


I enjoy unique beer glasses. I love them as conversation pieces. I love them for living in the moment. I enjoy making designs. So I’m just putting them here. I guess it’s just sort of as a creative outlet.


What are you curious about? Let me know in the comments, dm, email, text.

I would love to know. I love discussion over this type of shit.

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