When you are curious you continue to inquire about what matters. Usually the answer doesn’t reside within all of the stuff that surrounds you. Once your curiosity brings this to your attention enough times, you will see the foolishness of all the stuff. More stuff piles up, yet you feel the same, so what’s the point?
The physical stuff will be the first to go. You have now become a simpler person.
But what about the stuff in your head? Surely all of those thoughts don’t need to be thought. Some of them hurt your mood. Do you need those ones? The problem that arises when you attempt to strip away thoughts, is that you are not the thinker of them. They just arise. You were the buyer of the stuff, so it was easy to stop the physical stuff from surrounding you. But the thoughts, the mental stuff, is different.
That’s until you realize the stuff having meaning was a thought at first. A thought you realized the foolishness of after studying the physical manifestation. You realized the foolishness of it, that’s the key.
So how do you find the foolish thoughts?
Usually they’re one’s that you dwell on until they get you nowhere but down. The first step is seeing them. You should strive for all your thoughts be a means, not a means to an end.
But don’t take my thought at its word, let your curiosity dissect it.
What’s this actually mean? Is it possible? Do you agree with this? I had all these questions myself, after I thought that statement.
As your curiosity stripped away the physical stuff, it will strip away the thoughts. Just follow it. Identify what’s not getting you where you want to be.
Embrace simplicity, it’s a peaceful state.